


Always feeling inadequate from your drive to be perfect? Perfectionism comes with feeling uneasy when making mistakes, high expectations, self-criticism, avoidance when your not sure you can do something as well as you’d like, and good enough is unacceptable. Thinking that being perfect will lead to a happier life usually lends to finding an unfulfilled life. Growth transpires when you let go of holding yourself to the unattainable standards. 

Letting go of perfectionism means:

  • Using self-compassion instead of those critical judgments

  • Letting go of unrealistic expectations and meeting yourself where you are at

  • Freeing yourself of what you think everyone else needs to like and accept you.

  • Feeling confident making your own decisions without attempting to please other people.

  • Finding ways to embrace your imperfections and connect back with what makes you your own person.



ADHD can look like:

  • Easily getting distracted, difficulty staying on task, hyperactivity (excessive energy)

  • Struggles when needing to sustain mental effort

  • Trouble staying organized or keeping track of dates

  • Taking more time to do things than others such as homework or household routines, losing things, or careless mistakes

  • Losing track of time, forgetfulness, running late, or trouble with sense of time

  • Jumping topics in conversation or interrupting people

  • Mood swings, sensitivity to rejection, or sensory issues

We will work on identifying your strengths and struggles, building tool such as mindfulness and setting intention to help with inattentiveness and hyperactivity, time management, organization, planning, and emotional regulation skills.


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Because autism is a spectrum, autism can look different between each person while some things overlap. People with autism spectrum disorder process the world in a unique and intricate way with an abundance of strengths such as logical thinking, being precise and detail-oriented, following the rules, hyperfocus, honesty, reliability, letting of social norms, and special unique talents such as memorization or being musically inclined. As all of our strengths do, these strengths can also come with challenges. Autism can be a considered a disorder of trust with difficulties in the uncertainties of routines and variables in social situations. Some people with ASD struggle with transitions, black & white or rigid thinking, meltdowns, anxiety, phobias, obsessive-compulsive tendencies, sensory overload, or eating issues.

In session with adolescents and adults, we will work together to identify and replace unhelpful/rigid thoughts, build social skills, and develop coping tools to navigate through struggles. When working with kids, I use a combination of sand tray and activity therapy to teach social skills, relationship development, and emotional regulation.

  • Anxiety

    When we feel anxious, we struggle with finding trust in ourselves or the situation. We feel anxious about our ability to figure out how to handle a situation, something bad happening, being judged or liked by other people, uncertainty, or our future being doomed if we don’t meet certain expectations. In order to tackle our anxieties, we need to be able to build trust in ourselves that no matter what obstacles we are handed that we will be able to figure out how to handle it, or accept that they are out of control and worrying isn’t going to change the outcome. The only thing we can control is the stories we tell ourselves about our fears.

    The way we talk to ourselves about our fears makes our perception worse or better. We will work on undoing the unhelpful self-talk to build trust in yourself to work through your anxieties and insecurities, along with developing helpful coping tools to get you through those unsettling body sensations.

  • Relationship Issues

    Relationships can be hard work and yet so important to our innate needs to belong and connect. Our challenges can be in romantic relationships, friendships, or family.

    Whether you are struggling to feel good enough, going through a break up, or having communication issues within your relationships, we will work together to help you break free from stuck patterns, beliefs, heal insecurities, develop communication skills such as assertiveness, and feel comfortable setting boundaries.

  • LGBTQ+ Support

    For LGBTQ+ it is important to feel safe when you go to therapy and know that your therapist will be affirming. Although we are working as a whole to make progress in inclusion and acceptance, there is still hurt from society towards LGBTQ+. I want to provide you a safe environment to explore (or not) anything that you need to address, whether you are just starting to explore your sexuality or gender identity, or struggling with non-affirming family, friendships, or societal views.

    I can help with exploring your sexuality or gender identity, coming out, navigating societal oppression or harms from religions. You are safe here to be you just as you are!

  • Spirituality Development

    Looking for a therapist that understands what you are talking about when you say I’m spiritual or wanting to strengthen and explore your own spirituality? Whether you are going through the challenges of a spiritual awakening or just getting started on developing your own spiritual practices, we will together to figure out how to navigate through all of the things coming up for you and how to make a authentic connection in your spirituality that fits for you.